Darkstone pc game download free.Darkstone (Windows)

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Darkstone pc game download free.Darkstone Download (1999 Role playing Game)


Wizardry and those types of games, you'll like this a little more than I did. Otherwise, avoid. If you're gonna steal, steal from the best That's what developer Delphine is doing with its new dungeon crawler.

Darkstone, which bears more than a passing resemblance to Diablo. So far, Darkstone looks promising; if the gameplay matches that of Blizzard's monster hit, Delphine and Gathering of Developers may have a monster hit of their own. Even in its early stages.

Thanks to a highly intuitive control system, Darkstone allows you to control two characters simultaneously and share their inventory, while still offering the hands-on combat of Diablo.

Phenomenal light sourcing, impressive dungeon design, and a plethora of complicated puzzle quests could make Dark-stone a viable challenger to Blizzard's franchise. The world is in despair as an evil magician threatens to usher in a new order of chaos.

The only glimmer of hope in this dark time is an ancient weapon hidden beneath the earth. It can only be recovered by a hero of pure heart and true courage. Will this hero of prophecy be you? Only many hours of engaging game play and mighty left-clicking will tell. Note to purveyors of fantasy everywhere: please produce a new story; this one is a little worn. Thank you. The worn storyline aside, Darkstone is a lot of fun to play.

To cut to the chase, DarkStone plays almost exactly like Diablo , which is not a bad thing. For the uninitiated, both games play something like this: You wander through dungeons hacking up everything that moves, doing good to NPCs Non-Player Characters along the way by solving their problems. Periodically, you haul all your booty back up to the surface where you sell it for gold, saving up for that perfect item at the shop. Once you've purchased that item you've saved so much for, however, one will appear on the next level of the dungeon.

Oh, well. The more you kill the more experience you get and the buffer you become, until one day you are tough enough to take on the antagonist, whom you defeat after several reloads and you get to watch the closing cinematic. Now, this is a very tongue-in-cheek description, but in reality it is good, mindless fun. It's fun to see what the next monsters will look like, what swords they will cough up when they die, and just what lies in store next. That's the beauty of these games: the mystery of what is just beyond the next level.

It can be very engaging; just ask my wife. She's a player too. Which brings up some of the unique things that DarkStone has brought to the Diablo -esque genre. First off, it is much less dismal. Diablo is so dark and so evil-feeling my wife hated playing it. It was too "spooky," for lack of a better word.

In DarkStone everything is much brighter, monsters are more cartoonish, and the entire tone of the game is more pleasant. DarkStone also lets you control two characters at a time, and it's pretty easy to do. You just click on which character you want to actively control and the other one follows his lead, backing him up.

You can switch back and forth as you feel necessary. Another new feature of the game is that you are playing in a fully three-dimensional environment.

Unlike Daggerfall for instance, these dungeons are all designed as single level affairs, although you do move up or down to reach different dungeons. Movement in the game is extremely smooth and fluid and the unlimited camera angles and zoom function is about the best I've seen. Learning to spin the camera to get the best possible look at what your character sees while moving becomes second nature, as does the capability to zoom in or out.

All one keyboard tap away. Delphine has incorporated other enhancements as well. Townsfolk and villagers actually seek you out to implore you to help them with what seem to be randomly generated sub-quests and lots of them! As a wonderful tie-in to story development, many of these sub-quests help to flesh out the real story of what's happening in the realm and why, rather than being non-sensible activities as a means for making money.

As the dungeons aren't overly daunting in size, the urge to purge every nook and cranny in order to gather items, scrolls, spells and equipment for resale in town or to use for upgrading is overpowering.

Like any good RPG, the characters in Darkstone are fashionable and always want to have the best upgrades possible in armor, weaponry and spell casting. For that, of course, they need gold and are well-paid for the sub-quests, although gold gathering in dungeons can also be lucrative.

In a stroke of genius, gameplay is enormously enhanced by the simple allowance of co-adventurers from the very start. During gameplay, you can only control one of the two at any given moment but switching back and forth requires no more than one key press! And, as incredible as it may seem, while you are controlling one, the other is always there to watch your back, take the load off when fighting multiple enemies over types can be found and share the burden of carrying inventory.

The choice of using only one character in your game is an option, too, and will not necessarily make completion of the quests appreciably more difficult as experience is gained at twice the rate than with two.

Muldrow 3 points. I tried the download on steam but the resolution was so bad. I tried a patch that was supposed to fix the problem with it with windows 10 so I really hope this works. Thank you for the chance to try. Don't know if this site checks uploaded files for viruses. BronyGamer 0 point. CDMAN 1 point. Nyxxa 2 points. I enjoyed playing this game when I was fairly little.

I very much enjoy the puzzle aspects of this game. JayDee 2 points Windows version. Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online. Darkstone is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware.

You can read our online store guide. Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Darkstone, we have the following files:. MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free!


Darkstone pc game download free


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Darkstone pc game download free


Download extras files Manual, patch, fix and misc available. Time to play a fantasy, action rpg and generated levels video game title. Naniyue 1 point. A wonderful 3D action roguelike! Enjoyed it back then and still enjoy it now. Some call it a Diablo clone, but there's more on offer than that. Among other things, you can control two characters at once, and must take into account age and food. A PS2 version would have been great! There's also a bonus music video on the disc.

FeenixDarq 1 point. I have this game for both PC and PS1. Loved them both but PC lets you have a person follow you, and nearly twice the inventory :.

Quelvin 1 point. Hidooken 1 point. Straight up doesn't work. After replacing the videos it ask for a CD to be put in. Muldrow 3 points. I tried the download on steam but the resolution was so bad.

I tried a patch that was supposed to fix the problem with it with windows 10 so I really hope this works. Thank you for the chance to try.

Don't know if this site checks uploaded files for viruses. BronyGamer 0 point. CDMAN 1 point. Nyxxa 2 points. I enjoyed playing this game when I was fairly little.

I very much enjoy the puzzle aspects of this game. JayDee 2 points Windows version. Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online. Darkstone is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware.

You can read our online store guide. Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Darkstone, we have the following files:. MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free! Browse By Captures and Snapshots Windows. See older comments 4. Write a comment Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. Send comment. Buy Darkstone Darkstone is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware.

Game Extras and Resources Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. Sword of Vermilion Genesis Fate Win, Mac Diablo II Win, Mac Avencast: Rise of the Mage Win Follow Us!

Monthly Newsletter. Top downloads. List of top downloads. Latest releases. List of new games here Follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Screenshots needed. Read our screenshot tutorial. Role-Playing RPG. Delphine Software International.


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